Question and Answer with Author: David Nazario


I’ll preface by saying that David is a good friend of mine and when I asked to interview him for his upcoming book: “I’m David, Christianity is Goliath: Why Love is More Important than Religion,” I knew he couldn’t say no. In the blog that I published a few weeks ago “Rebirth: The Power of Initiative,” I spoke about the importance of initiating action in our community. This interview is proof positive that while the power of initiative is still too far and between for my liking, there are people just like David stepping up to the plate and handling his own small little slice of Reading.

We’re Starting off. Let’s start with this question: What Inspired you to write this book?

“I would just say my life. Growing up in a christian family I learned the right morals and values needed to succeed in life. But more importantly, it has a lot to do with my view of the world and the ways in which I see things are headed. With conversations that I have had with my two co-authors we tried to focus on a shift of consciousness. It’s something that I think the world needed right now and I’ve decided to put all my heart into it.”

Alright, Is there one particular theme that you want your audience to grab from this book, which you have considered part-memoir?

“I want them to know that they all have God inside of them. A God who can help them achieve everything they want out of life. I want people to know that they can live their life the way they want to live it and accomplish great things because we all have God inside all of us. All God wants us to do is use our talents and passions to help make the world a better place. “

Great, good stuff! Now are you learning anything while you write this book and if you are what is it?

“Yeaa… I’m learning a lot. I’m learning to be a better man. How to handle certain situations better. I’ve started doing yoga because of this book and also mediating which I never did with any seriousness before. Writing is my form of going to church and I know that’s exactly where God wants me to be. Hahahahahaha these are some good questions.”

You know how we do bro, always prepared. Moving on, how did you come up with the title?

“Umm… It just came to me. With my conversations with my fellow co-authors it started off as something else and naturally just drifted towards the title that it is today. It popped in my head and just clicked and I knew then that it was perfect.”

Alright… Word, can you tell me something about the cover? It is very unique. Also who illustrated it for you?

“Yea… The cover was actually designed by Mr. Theron Cook who is another artist that resides in the City of Reading. He is a very amazing artist and I am happy to have him contribute his love of art to my project. I actually had an idea of what I thought the book cover should be, but I didn’t share those thoughts with Theron. He ended up coming up with the same idea, I guess it is true when they say that great minds think alike. The story of the cover comes from the biblical story of David vs. Goliath and what it represents is the struggle that everybody has to go through in their everyday lives. The Goliath character represents religion and David represents love conquering all evil even the evils included in all religions.”

Ok. Just a few more questions. What was the hardest part about writing this book?

“Umm… I would probably say just the research. Everything else I had inside of me it came natural to me because I’m writing from my heart. For a book like this you have to be in the mood to write it but most importantly it has to come from the heart.. And that’s probably why it’s still not done yet, hahahaha. It was just the research because this is such a big subject matter.”

Ok. Just two more questions. David Nazario what are you working on currently, besides the book?

“I’m working on a personal website that will advertise my writing services, workshops, and a companion to the book once it is published. (Early Summer 2013) I am also the editor of MUTE magazine in Reading, PA. “

Last Question: Do you have anything specific that you want your readers to know?

“Read it with an open mind and an open heart.” *

If you’d like to find out more about David or his project click here!